Pre-Fraxel® Instructions

Pre-Fraxel Instructions:

  1. It is imperative to protect the treatment area from the sun for a full 4 weeks prior to the Fraxel. This is best accomplished by the use of SPF 30 sunscreen daily (preferably containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide) and a hat worn during times of greater exposure to the sun’s rays. Any tan or “color” from the sun can cause side effects.
  2. Do not use glycolic acids, retinoids or lightening creams 1 week prior to the treatment.
  3. 75 minutes before your appointment, our office staff will apply topical numbing gel to the area being treated. Your physician will also give you a prescription for Valtrex which you should take prior to and after your procedure if you have a history of cold sores.
  4. To minimize potential bruising, discontinue aspirin and ibuprofen for 1 week prior to your Fraxel treatment. We advise waiting 2 weeks after any other cosmetic procedure (ie. Botox or fillers) or waxing to be treated with the Fraxel Dual.