1. Continue daily use of sunscreen. The sun is stronger than you think in September and October and it’s a beautiful time to be outdoors. Continue to wear sunscreen SPF 30 and above on a daily basis, which is easy when combined with a tinted moisturizer. We recommend EltaMD Daily SPF 40 (available tinted or not) and Revision Intellishade, which is an antiaging tinted moisturizer.

Sun Damage Boston

2. Consider adding a retinoid and/or a glycolic acid product for anti-aging. These incredibly effective products do make skin more sensitive to the sun. We often recommend patients stop them during the sunniest months, unless your skin is accustomed to them. But now it’s time to kick up your regimen, fading brown spots and improving skin texture. Start slowly, just every other day, as these potent products can sometimes be irritating. We love Sente BioComplete Serum with Retinol, and SkinMedica GlyPro Glycolic Face Wash.

3. Moisturize and Hydrate! Dry skin is back now that the humid summer months are gone. Use a non-comedogenic product if you are acne prone such as SkinMedica Ultra Sheer Moisturizer or a more intense product for combination or dry skin such as SkinMedica Replenish Hydrating Cream and/or SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator (our favorite “feel good” hydrator). Apply on top of your other products at night, and in the morning if you are flaky or feel tight.

Sun Damage Consultations Available

4. Hydrate from the neck down as well and get rid of scaly legs and bumpy arms. Use an intense moisturizer containing glycolic or lactic acid on the legs and arms. These lotions improve the bumpy skin on the back of the upper arms (keratosis pilaris), and the Sahara like scale on the shins. Apply after toweling dry post shower. Our favorites: Glytone Exfoliating Body Lotion, and at your local pharmacy, Amlactin Ultra Body Lotion.

5. Fall is the perfect time to erase signs of sun damage and rejuvenate your skin. With less sun exposure, fall is the safest time of year for laser skin rejuvenation! Our range of treatments works with your skin concerns, lifestyle, and personal goals to help you see extraordinary results. Eliminate dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and more with these skin-renewing methods. 

Clear + Brilliant

This gentle but effective fractional laser can dramatically improve your skin with a series of treatments and little to no downtime. Clear + Brilliant offers improvements in hyperpigmentation, textural issues, and enlarged pores. 


Highly customizable UltraClear can be adjusted to address concerns. It is often recommended for issues ranging from sun damage to wrinkles and scars. It can vary in intensity to target your unique skin concerns while minimizing your downtime. 


This non-ablative laser provides powerful skin resurfacing to rejuvenate your skin and treat dark spots, fine lines, and other signs of aging. Fraxel® combines intensive skin restoration with minimal downtime for a more youthful look. 

Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuvenation

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) uses pulses of light that give you clear, glowing skin. IPL photorejuvenation is a fast, easy way to eliminate pigmentation issues, dullness, and signs of aging. A series of IPL treatments leave skin clear and vibrant. 

Dr. Krauss has been my dermatologist for nearly two decades. Her level of knowledge in the most up to date cosmetic procedures is unsurpassed. I would not trust my skin care in the hands of another professional. My three young adults are patients of Dr. Wise and are just as satisfied.
Highly recommend Krauss Dermatology.

If you’re wondering whether sun damage treatment is a good fit for you, it is in your best interest to schedule a consultation at Krauss Dermatology. Call us at 781-416-3500 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to meeting you!